Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Think and Grow Rich - Very Special Offer!

I've been a big fan of Napoleon Hill since I first read his brilliant book Think and Grow Rich back in the late 1980's.
It's amazing that it was written nearly 100 years ago! Everyone should read this book and in fact I have a very special offer for you at the end of this blog post.

I love the parallels between the depression of 1929 and today, as we struggle out of our current ongoing recession, which many have referred to as a depression. With the last budget, it seems that we're not quite out of the woods yet!

Hill refers to the 1930s as being a time of great opportunity and it very much feels like that today. In his book he runs us through his thirteen steps to riches, but it's not just about the money. Each step has so many tips and tricks on how we can simply set ourselves up to succeed.

The New Way of Marketing Services
In the chapter on Organised Planning Hill refers to "The New Way of Marketing Services". This section blew me away! He was so ahead of his time on this stuff. He refers to how companies need to care more about their employees and their customers and how we should be treating our customers with courtesy and great service. He refers to his QQS rating which is brilliant!

Q uality
Q uantity

S pirit

Summed up, it means we should give the best quality of service in the quantity we are capable of (meaning to do everything we possibly can) and in the best possible spirit by being courteous and caring and with a smile.

This was 1929 remember! I was constantly amazed as I read Think and Grow Rich and had to keep reminding myself that it was written such a long time ago. Hill even refers to how the bankers have had to change their attitudes and how they engage with their customers. It could have been written last week!!

The book was originally priced at $2.50 and the publisher ordered a print run of 5,000 copies which was a bit optomistic at the time. These 5,000 copies sold out in just 3 weeks! And it's gone on to sell millions of copies all over the world!

It's amazing to me that all those years ago Hill claimed that thoughts become things and stated the now well known quote:

"Whatever the human mind can conceive and believe, it can acheive."

He made these claims at a time when people were locked up for out of the ordinary thinking and claims!

Here's a wonderful video of Napoleon Hill explaning how he met Andrew Carnegie and he outlines the main theory behind his book.

You get what you focus on

Many people I know still don't accept the simple fact that our thoughts can and do become a reality. I used to play a lot of golf and it's a great example of getting what you think about and focus on. Imagine lining up to play your next shot which is over water. If you don't catch your thoughts in time, you won't be able to stop yourself from focusing on the water and saying things like, "I must not go in the water. I must not land in the water. I must not hit my shot short." This is not ideal and you can imagine the end result. You'll land your golf ball in the water because that's what you were focusing on!

Instead, you should focus on the green and just ignore any hazards such as water or bunkers, but human nature leads us to focus on the things we don't want. Think about it, whenever we ask people what they want they easily come back with a list of the things they don't want, but very few people know with absolute clarity what it is they DO want.

Think and Grow Rich is a truly remarkable book and if you haven't read it then I urge you to get yourself a copy and take time out to read it from cover to cover.

My Offer!!
So as promised earlier, I have a very special offer for you. Every fortnight from May 3rd for the rest of 2011 I am giving away a FREE hardback copy of Think and Grow Rich.

To be in with your chance of winning a copy you just have to do 2 things:
1. Follow me on Twitter - @dickiearmour
2. Like the Business Mentors Club Facebook page

That's it. As long as you've liked the Business Mentors Club Facebook page and you're following me on Twitter, your name will be added into the draw every two weeks for the rest of the year. So you'll have 17 chances to win!

My eight year old daughter will randomly select a person every 2 weeks from a hat and the winner will receive a copy of the book.

Please go to www.thinkandgrowrichoffer.co.uk for more details.

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