My Business Timetable
Solve your Problems Overnight
2010 has been a great year for me and one of things I've tried to remain focused on is taking action. So many people talk about doing stuff but then don't follow through with taking the required action.
I love lists; To Do Lists and I write mine the night before each day, so I know what I've got to get on with the very next day. Then, using my Business Timetable I allocate a block of time; perhaps 15 minutes or 30 minutes to a particular task. As you will have seen in my blog post on My Business Timetable I mention an online stopwatch which I used to time these sessions.
This system has been working really well for me but last month I discovered an incredible new piece of software which uses the following simple system. It consists of just 3 simple steps:
- Write down all the things you want to get done today.
- Assign a block of time for each task such as 25 minutes.
- Select a task, start the timer and focus on nothing else until that particular task is done.
See, I said it was simple! It's exactly the same in principle as I've been using but this incredible software is the killer difference.
This system, once in place, and as long as you use it, will make you more productive than you could have imagined! I know, because I use the software myself and it's totally transformed my productivity. Just take a look at how my blog post rate has risen towards the end of 2010. I'm also writing 2 eBooks on different aspects of business and I've recently created with a friend.

This system automates the 3 simple steps and includes some great reports so you can see where you spend your time and the interface is really clean and intuitive.
I really recommend you watch the video which shows the software in action - just click the link below*:
The New Year is the perfect time to get this system up and running in your business.
Happy New Year and I hope it's a very prosperous one for you.
*This is an affiliate link. I make just a few quid to add towards my daughter's inheritance! ;-)
Thanks Dickie for this. Good to be reminded of the fact that the simple solutions can often be amongst the best.
It's a little more complex but if you want to keep track of time against customer or job this is brilliant too:-
Thanks Charlie!
I'll check it out.
You're right, it's always the simple stuff which helps the most.
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