Thursday, 30 April 2009

BEWARE! Domain Name SCAM!!

Please READ this carefully.

I received this letter in the post yesterday from an outfit called Domain Renewal Group. They were originally called the Domain Registry of America (DRoA). Please click the image to see large version.

The letter is very clever in the way it's written. It makes the reader assume that their domain name is due for renewal with this company. Most domain names need to be renewed every 2 years and to the less versed on these things it is quite easy to forget who you registered your domain name with. So the assumption is this letter is an invoice which must be paid.

It is not an invoice. It's an attempt by DRoA to get you to pay them for a domain name that they don't even control! Many people and businesses fall for this trap. Make sure you are NOT one of them!

Please click the image above and familiarise yourself with the look of the letter.

If you receive one of these in the post, ignore it
and call the person who looks after your domain name and website.

If you have any doubts please get in touch and I will be happy to advise you.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

The Power of Positive Thinking

"If your mind can conceive and believe, then it can achieve" - Napolean Hill

I've always been a positive thinker; I'm a glass half full guy and have always set myself goals. I truly believe that you get what you focus on in life.

I've been a huge fan of Tony Robbins since the late 80's and have attended 2 of his "Awaken the Giant Within" seminars and walked across hot coals; and no, I didn't burn my feet! There's usually a positive thinking book somewhere near me and I have 2 shelves full of them in my office.

I discovered some great videos on YouTube earlier this week and have listed some of them below. Watch one each day; it's a great way to start your day.

Earl Nightingale - The Strangest Secret
Episode 1.
Episode 2.
Episode 3.

Jim Rohn - How to have your Best Year ever
Episode 1.
Episode 2.
Episode 3.

Zig Ziglar - Setting Goals

Episode 1.
Episode 2.
Episode 3.

Jim Rohn - Attitude makes The Difference

Tony Robbins
Why we do what we do, and how we can do it better.
The Hour TV Show
Shift Your Focus
Create the Energy, Vitality and Health You Deserve!