Thursday, 12 February 2009

Solve your Problems Overnight

I write my To Do List every day and I think they are an extremely useful tool for getting things done. I usually write mine last thing at night so when I start my next day I have my fresh To Do list ready and I don't need to waste time first thing in the morning thinking about what I need to to that day.

You can click the photo above to see one of my recent to do lists. Please excuse the items which have been blotted out but some of the tasks are not for outside eyes! I don't want to start breaching corporate or client confidentiality! The danger of blogs.

I've read in books and been told that it also helps to write your To Do List last thing at night because that way it's on your mind when you go to sleep. As you drop off to sleep and during your sleep your mind clears out all the other clutter and with your To Do List fresh in your mind, you'll be amazed at the ideas and problem solving your mind will have done for you over night. I've woken on many mornings with the answers I need or a clear way of how to handle or deal with items on my list.

I number each item just for neatness, but the numbers do not always represent the importance of an item. As I complete each item I tick it off the list.

The other great thing about having a To Do List is that it sits on my desk, next to my laptop or PC and I can then add other items as required throughout the day.

Then at the end of the day, those items which have not been completed, get added to my new list for the next day, along with lots of new ones! So start writing your To Do List today and get "doing" each and everyday. You'll be amazed at how effective you'll become.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Follow me on Twitter

If you're not sure what Twitter is go to where you can see my profile and you'll get a feel for what goes on.

Stephen Fry is and Jonathan Ross is There are loads more celebs on Twitter. But it's not just all about celebs. I've connected with some business colleagues and made some new aquaintences too.

I've currently got 30 followers on Twitter.
Please follow me so I can get up to the dizzy heights of Stephen Fry who has about 115,000 followers!

It's still early days for me. I only joined last week but so far I'm liking it.

I got my mate to join and he's already saved 20% on a magazine subscription after he met the editor of the magazine on Twitter.

So you can even save money through Twitter. Follow me today!

Monday, 2 February 2009

eMarketing is the In-Thing

eMarketing is more popular than ever. I say this based on the Business Link presentation I went to last week in Dorset.

Normally Business Link expects to get 20-30 people at these sort of events. But this one called "Guerilla eMarketing" was almost over subscribed. There must have been 70 plus people there and all looking for new ways to market their businesses online.

More and more people and businesses are setting up websites and they are beginning to realise they need to get traffic to their websites. But it was obvious from many of the questions on the day that most of these business owners didn't really understand or know about all the great new ways of marketing their businesses online.

I'll be writing an article on the back of this so keep an eye on my Articles  page in the next few weeks.